ANSYS ICEM-CFD V5.1 英文光碟正式版 (CFD前後處理器)
ANSYS ICEM-CFD V5.1 英文光碟正式版 (CFD前後處理器)
ANSYS ICEM-CFD是一款世界頂級的CFD前後處理器,為所有世界流行的CFD軟體提供高效
From CAD to mesh generation for analysis, ANSYS ICEM CFD provides
sophisticated geometry acquisition, mesh generation, post-processing, and mesh
optimization tools.
ANSYS ICEM CFD is the only Universal pre-processor for analysis including FEA,
CFD and other CAE applications such as particle transport and computational
Used for engineering applications such as computational fluid dynamics and
structural analysis, ANSYS ICEM CFD's mesh generation tools offer the
capability to parametrically create grids from geometry in multi-block
structured, unstructured hexahedral, tetrahedral, hybrid grids consisting of
hexahedral, tetrahedral, pyramidal and prismatic cells; and Cartesian grid
formats combined with boundary conditions.
Key Features:
* Intuitive built-in geometry creation and highly automated functionality
for the modification and repair of imported CAD data
* Ability to work with both NURBs and faceted geometry types like STL or
existing meshes
* Robust tools for creating all mesh types: hexahedral, tetrahedral,
prism, pyramid, quad, tri or bar elements
* Highly tolerant of imperfect/overdetailed CAD data containing sliver
surfaces, gaps, holes and overlaps
* Smoothing, coarsening, refinement, element type conversion, linear or
quadratic element support
* More than 100 CFD/CAE solver interface formats
* File based transfer of CFD and structural results for Fluid structure
interaction simulations
* Automated batch processing through an intuitive scripting framework
Now, engineers and analysts have to learn only one software environment to
pre-process as well as post-process for the many analysis codes often in use
within a work environment.